The Top Ten Made In USA Boots – Best American Made Boots

The USA has a rich tradition of making awesome, durable boots. In fact, I would say that when most people think of “boots” they think of American boots. A lot of makers from other companies have been catching up and indeed surpassing US brands, but there are still some high quality American-made boot brands still… Continue reading The Top Ten Made In USA Boots – Best American Made Boots

How Good are Outsourced Boots and Shoes? Grant Stone Review

I do not like outsourced production of products. Overall, I believe that it has absolutely no place in the Amekaji scene. To me, any product that is outsourced does not deserve to have the word “heritage” ascribed to it. There are some exceptions, of course. Technically, The Rite Stuff is outsourced because it’s a brand… Continue reading How Good are Outsourced Boots and Shoes? Grant Stone Review

Viberg Boot Review

Viberg is a bit of a conundrum for me. Without question, they have a heritage that many boot companies pretend to have and they still manufacture their boots using high quality techniques and materials. At the same time, Their boots are far from perfect in terms of quality and finishing and they are relatively expensive.… Continue reading Viberg Boot Review

John Lofgren Boot Review: The John Lofgren Engineer Boot

This is a big one. Today, I will be reviewing my first ever pair of engineer boots. These are the ones that started the journey for me and really helped push my style to what it is today. The John Lofgren engineer boot is a modern classic and it along with the Mister Freedom Road… Continue reading John Lofgren Boot Review: The John Lofgren Engineer Boot