Is Horween Chromexcel Overrated? Video Discussion

Is Horween Chromexcel Overrated?

In the last article, which you can read here, I stated that Chromexcel (also called CXL) is probably the most well known chrome tanned leather in the world. In fact, I misspoke. Chromexcel is likely the most well known and recognizable leather by name in the world regardless of tannage. People often refer to it… Continue reading Is Horween Chromexcel Overrated?

An Overview of Different Boot Leathers

There are quite a lot of boots out there on the market and as such, there are quite a lot of different leathers used for them. In this article, I wanted to go over some of the most common types of leathers used for making our favorite footwear. If you are fairly new to the… Continue reading An Overview of Different Boot Leathers